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Thursday 24 March 2011


When you put on weight either during pregnancy or from overeating the skin has to stretch enormously to encompass the enlarged you. This often causes stretch marks, the fine white lines like snails' trails across the skin, which are, in fact, tiny scars in the underlying tissue. They occur most often on the thighs, stomach and bottom, but can sometimes appear on breasts or upper arms.

How to Do an Anti Stretch Mark Massage
If you are pregnant, the best position is lying on your back propped up on pillows so that you are half sitting. However, if you are near term, you will probably find it uncomfortable to lie on your back for any length of time, so instead turn on your side and lie with your knees bent. For anyone else, lie stretched out, face up. The movements in this massage are slow, soothing, with lots of repetitions to push oil into skin. Use plenty of oil and once it is absorbed, add more - this is the one massage where you can end up looking like a sardine! Do not press down into the abdomen during any strokes and keep all movements on the tummy light and as gentle as possible.
During pregnancy be gentle with all massage strokes and never push/press down into the abdomen.It is suggested to consult a professional rather than trying on your own.

Useful Herbs for the Treatment of Stretch Marks

Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)
The holy basil, or the tulsi, is used in the prevention of bleeding of tissue, stretch marks and scarring that can occur during pregnancy.
Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)
The gotu kola is an indigenous Indian herb which is now being extensively marketed and used in foreign countries for healing stretch marks and other cosmetic problems of the skin.
Indian Madder (Rubia cordifolia)
Indian madder is popular as the manjishtha in Ayurvedic language. It is very effective in the solution of skin problems such as stretch marks. It also prevents skin ulcers.
Indian Margosa (Azadirachtha indica)
The Indian margosa is none other than the neem, which is almost worshipped in Ayurvedic medicine. This is used to prevent itches and abscesses that can be caused during pregnancy. It takes care of stretch marks. The neem is also useful in the treatment of secondary infections.
Sandalwood (Chandana)
Sandalwood has a cooling effect on the skin. It protects the skin from stretching extensively during pregnancy.

Get Rid Of Stretch Marks With Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy help you to lose excess weight and tone your body. They also help to flush out the toxins from your body and give a healthy glow to your skin. When the elastic fibers of your skin get damaged they result in stretch marks.
Yoga has several exercises and postures that work wonders on health and during pregnancy conditions. Varying widely in applications and style, the exercises gently stretch and explore all the parts of your body. Scientists do not know exactly how yoga produces its healthful effects. Some say it works like other mind-body therapies to reduce stress, others believe it helps reducing stretch marks. Performing yoga will surely help reducing the stretch marks occurred, being a type of an exercise it is not harmful. However, it is recommended that you follow the yoga under the expert guidance. 

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