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Monday, 5 December 2011

High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force put on the walls of the blood vessels with
each heartbeat. Blood pressure helps move blood through your body.  

Taking Your Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is often checked by putting a wide band called a cuff
around your upper arm. Air is pumped into the cuff. Your blood
pressure is measured as the air is let out of the cuff.  
Blood pressure is one number over a second number. 
•  The top number is higher and is called the systolic reading. It is the
pressure in the blood vessels when the heart pumps.  
•  The bottom number is lower and is called the diastolic reading. It
is the pressure in the blood vessels when the heart rests between

Normal Blood Pressure
Normal blood pressure is 120 over 80 or less. Blood pressure varies
from person to person. Each person’s blood pressure changes from
hour to hour and from day to day.  

High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is also called hypertension. High blood pressure
is 140 over 90 or higher. A diagnosis of high blood pressure is not
made until your blood pressure is checked several times and it stays
The harder it is for blood to flow through your blood vessels, the
higher your blood pressure numbers. With high blood pressure, your
heart is working harder than normal. High blood pressure can lead to
heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and hardening of the blood vessels.

Signs of High Blood Pressure
The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to have it
checked. Most people do not have any signs. Some people may have a
headache or blurred vision.

Your Care
Blood pressure control is very important. If you have high blood
pressure you should:   
•  Check your blood pressure often. Call your doctor if your blood
pressure stays high.
•  See your doctor as scheduled.
•  Take your blood pressure medicine as ordered by your doctor.  
•  Take your medicine even if you feel well or your blood pressure is
•  Lose weight if you are overweight.
•  Limit salt in your food and drinks.
•  Avoid alcohol.
•  Stop smoking or tobacco use.
•  Exercise most every day.
•  Reduce stress.
•  Practice relaxation daily.

Call youe doctor right away if you have:
•  A severe headache
•  Vision changes
•  Chest pain, pressure or tightness
•  Have a hard time breathing or get short of breath
•  Sudden numbness, tingling or weakness in the face, arm or leg
•  Sudden confusion, trouble understanding or trouble speaking
•  Trouble swallowing

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