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Saturday, 2 April 2011


A migraine is usually an intense pounding headache with nausea that occurs from time to time. The pounding or pulsing pain usually begins in the forehead, the side of the head or around the eyes. The headache gradually gets worse. Bright lights or loud noises make the headache worse. The headache can last for two hours or even up to two or three days.
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Throbbing or pounding pain on one side of your head (or both)
  • Light, noise, and movement—especially bending over—make your head hurt worse; you want to lie down in a dark, quiet room
No one knows for certain what causes migraine. Things that can trigger migraine include the following.
  • Certain foods and alcohol; missing meals; too much sun; sleeping too little or too much
  • Hormones and menstruation
  • Certain odors, such as perfume or cigarette smoke
  • Stress
  • Blood platelet disorder
  • Low Blood Sugar or Hypoglycemia
 How Can Massage Help?
Massage by a qualified, trained massage therapist can address a multitude of problems that may contribute to migraine pain. Massage coupled with an in-depth look into lifestyle habits and environmental causes with positive actions to take control over triggers can alleviate pain, decrease the duration or intensity of pain - even eliminate the migraine.

Take stress for example. Physical or mental stress impedes your quality of life. It can perpetuate or initiate sickness. A relaxing massage can decrease stress and promote a sense of overall wellness.
  • Deep-tissue massage therapy: People get massages to get rid of pain and discomfort or to just give themselves a relaxing treat. A massage therapist uses pressure, movement, and stretching to render your body more pliable and comfortable. For headaches, a therapist will usually use therapeutic, deep-tissue techniques. Deep-tissue massages may serve to improve circulation and help reduce muscle tension. When performing a deep-tissue massage, a massage therapist focuses on specific areas of the body to relieve pain and release stress. Many believe that massage can reduce muscle pain and ease muscle tension and stiffness. Deep tissue refers to the use of deep finger pressure and slow strokes on areas of the body that are suffering from muscle tension or aches.
    Because deep-tissue massage works well on tense shoulders and necks, it can sometimes provide relief from headache symptoms. (If you aren't sure whether your physical condition is amenable to massage, check with your doctor before having a massage. Massage isn't recommended if you have varicose veins, a recent fracture, sprain, or nerve injury, or if you've recently had chemotherapy or radiation.)
1. Migraine Pressure Point at Base of Skull
Locate the bony base of your skull in back. Place your thumb pads under the skull's base, each thumb about 1 inch from your spinal column. Holding your thumbs against the two points, tilt your head back slightly. Now press upward gradually, counting to 10, and breathing deeply as you do so. When you reach the deepest point, massage with tiny, circular motions of the thumbs, still holding the pressure. When you feel a change in the point, slowly release the pressure, counting to 10 again. Repeat 5 times.
2. Migraine Pressure Point at Mid-Forehead
This migraine pressure point is located at the middle of your forehead, right between your eyebrows. Using the migraine pressure point technique described above, and your thumbs or one of the first two fingers, press inward gradually, counting to 10, and breathing deeply as you do so. When you reach the deepest point, massage with tiny, circular motions, still holding the pressure. As you feel a change in the point, slowly release the pressure, counting to 10 as you do so. Repeat 10 times.
3. Migraine Pressure Point at Eye Corners
Feel the face at the outer corners of your eyes. Move your fingers away from the eyes until you find the spots just behind the bone. Using the migraine pressure point technique and one or two finger pads, apply pressure gradually inward, counting to 10, and breathing deeply as you do so. When you reach the deepest point, massage with tiny, circular motions, still holding the pressure. As you feel a change in the point, slowly release the pressure, counting to 10 as you do so. Repeat 10 times.
4. Migraine Pressure Point on Hand
Surprisingly, you have a migraine pressure point on each hand. It's the fleshy part between your thumb and index finger. Using the thumb pad and index finger of your opposite hand, gradually squeeze the upper portion of this migraine pressure point, counting to 10 and breathing deeply. When you reach the deepest point, massage with tiny, circular motions, still holding the pressure. As you feel a change in the point, slowly release the pressure, counting to 10 as you do so. Repeat 10 times.
5. Migraine Pressure Point on Foot
The last point you will use to massage migraine headaches away is located on the top of each foot. Locate the place where the bones come together between your big toe and your second toe. With thumb or finger pads, press downward gradually, counting to 10, and breathing deeply as you do so. When you reach the deepest point, massage with tiny, circular motions, still holding the pressure. As you feel a change in the point, slowly release the pressure, counting to 10 again. Repeat 10 times.
Different bodies respond differently to pressure points. These should work for you. If you want information on additional migraine pressure points, ask a local shiatsu professional. A professional will also be able to give you a complete treatment for relief or prevention of migraine headaches.

Herbal Remedies:
Make a tea from equal proportions of ashwagandha and brahmi (about 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon each), steep in a cup of water for about 10 minutes, and drink 2 or 3 times a day.
The following herbal compound is beneficial in managing migraine.
shatavari 5 parts
brahmi 4 parts
jatamamsi 3 parts
musta 3 parts Prepare this mixture, and take 1/2 teaspoon twice a day, morning and evening, after breakfast and dinner, with a little lukewarm water. This formula is designed to pacify the aggravated pitta and help relieve migraine headaches.

Avoid Direct Sun: Because migraine headaches are predominantly a pitta disorder, they are affected by the hot sun. When the sun rises, its hot, sharp, penetrating rays increase pitta in the cardiovascular system and cause the dilation of the blood vessels in the brain, which results in the painful headaches. So avoid direct exposure to the sun.
Walks in the full moon and by water; and flower gardening reduce Pitta causes of migraines
Do a cooling breathing exercise such as shitali. To do it, curl your tongue into a tube. Inhale slowly through the curled tongue, swallow, and then exhale normally through the nose, keeping the mouth closed. You will feet the incoming air cool your saliva, your tongue, and the oral mucous membranes.

Hot Oil head Massage is also beneficial 

Reduce your intake of sugar, refined foods, animal products (meats and dairy), caffeine, alcohol, soda, and salt.
Drink more water and eat more fiber, vegetables, whole grains, and vegetable proteins.

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