Anaemia is the shortage of red blood cells in the body, leading to an inability of the blood to carry oxygen around the body. Symptoms include weakness, lethargy, paleness and breathlessness. It may be caused by a lack of iron in the diet, blood loss, chronic illness, a genetic or acquired disease or defect, or it may be caused by a side effect of medication. Treatment includes homeopathy, massage, vitamin therapy, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, an iron rich diet, blood transfusions or surgery to correct internal bleeding where it occurs.
A vibrating massager can be a useful tool for people suffering from many different types of anemia. Anemia is a type of blood disorder in which the amount of oxygen-carrying red blood cells is reduced below normal levels, and may be caused by blood loss, poor nutrition or heredity. Massage, however, can stimulate blood flow and contribute to treatment for anemia and other blood conditions.
Regular practice of different yoga poses increases the RBC production as well as purifies the blood.
Yoga can help in increasing RBC count in two ways. One is by making use of breathing exercises and the other is by doing special asanas. Breathing exercises like Ujjayi, Suryabhedana, Anuloma Viloma and Kapalbhatti increases circulation of blood and improve functioning of the entire circulatory system. According to various yoga gurus anemic patients should start their yoga session with Pranayama followed by Trikonasana. Other yoga poses for anaemia are Sarvangasana, Paschomittanasana, Uttanpadasana, Viparita-karani-mudra and various shavasanas.
A vibrating massager can be a useful tool for people suffering from many different types of anemia. Anemia is a type of blood disorder in which the amount of oxygen-carrying red blood cells is reduced below normal levels, and may be caused by blood loss, poor nutrition or heredity. Massage, however, can stimulate blood flow and contribute to treatment for anemia and other blood conditions.
- A vibrating massager can provide home treatment that mimics the effect of massage therapy, in which medical massage professionals apply pressure to various muscle areas. Massage of the skin and muscle tissue stimulates blood flow, which is why massage therapy is often used to treat symptoms of blood conditions. Massage is also helpful for anemia treatment because it can increase the number of red blood cells, which are deficient in people with many forms of anemia. Massage for anemia treatment should be administered in hour-long sessions for maximum effectiveness on red blood cell count and repeated daily.
Reducing Fatigue
- A major side effect of anemia that can be alleviated by massage with a vibrating massager or hand massage is fatigue. In increasing the flow of blood to the muscles, massage therapy can help to control and reduce feelings of fatigue that result from anemia. Many people who suffer from anemia-related fatigue may also experience muscle atrophy from inactivity, and vibrating massage can reduce atrophy by stimulating muscle fibers.
Relieving Pain
- Vibrating massage can also contribute to anemia treatment by relieving muscle pain. In addition to causing fatigue, anemia may also result in muscle pain. In addition to helping improve overall tissue health, massage therapy also helps to relax patients' bodies and reduce muscle tension. Vibrating massage should be directed towards any areas where muscle pain is located, such as the joints or abdomen.
Ayurvedic medicines and prescriptions for Anaemia:
Before the treatment can be started, the exact cause of malady should be ascertained. If it is of a mild nature and has been caused by insufficient nutrition, massive doses of the substances lacking could cure it. But if it is due to malfunctioning of the liver, stomach or bone marrow, Punarnavadi Mandura or Punarnava Mandura is the medicines of choice. One gram of Mandura should be given with honey for times a day.
Vyoshadi Ghrita, Phaltrikadi Kashaya, Pandu Panchanana Rasa and Lauhasava are some of the other drugs and standard Ayurvedic preparations useful for anaemia.
Spleen 6 helps to strengthen the blood.Stomach 36 supports and improves circulation and digestion, and gradually improves the absorption of nutrients.
Regular practice of different yoga poses increases the RBC production as well as purifies the blood.
Yoga can help in increasing RBC count in two ways. One is by making use of breathing exercises and the other is by doing special asanas. Breathing exercises like Ujjayi, Suryabhedana, Anuloma Viloma and Kapalbhatti increases circulation of blood and improve functioning of the entire circulatory system. According to various yoga gurus anemic patients should start their yoga session with Pranayama followed by Trikonasana. Other yoga poses for anaemia are Sarvangasana, Paschomittanasana, Uttanpadasana, Viparita-karani-mudra and various shavasanas.
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