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Thursday 24 March 2011


Haemorrhoids, or piles, are varicose veins of the rectum or anus. They are common in middle and later life, often caused by years of chronic constipation. The three different types of haemorrhoids include:
Internal haemorrhoids - found inside the rectum. They are painless but tend to bleed. 

Prolapsed haemorrhoids - a more severe and painful form of internal haemorrhoids. These veins push through the anus and hang out of the body, particularly after going to the toilet. Sometimes, the anal sphincter (ring of muscle) can strangulate veins that hang out permanently. 

External haemorrhoids - these are like small haemorrhages (bleeds) under the skin around the anus. They feel like hard lumps.

Massage in Piles or Hemorrhoids
This technique moves matter through the intestines, helping to prevent the constipation that contributes to piles or hemorrhoids.
Lie on your back, and use your fingers or your palm to make long, sweeping strokes. Repeat each stroke three to six times. Begin on your left side. Just below your ribs, stroke towards your feet; then stroke across your abdomen from the right to left just below your rib cage. Finally, point your fingertips towards your feet, and drag your hand up your right side from pelvis to ribs.
 It is advised to take an expert's suggestion and aoid massage in case of pain.

DOs and DONTs
It is important to get into the habit of answering the CALL OF NATURE so that stools are passed easily without much strain.
Try not to sit for hours at a time. Take breaks and move around every hour for at least 5 minutes.
When performing any task that requires exertion, be sure to breathe evenly.
Regular exercise is also important, especially if you work a sedantary job. Exercise helps in several ways: Keeping weight in check, making constipation less likely, and enhancing muscle tone.
As you grow older it is wise to have a regular examination of your rectum and anus to eliminate the possibility of cancer or malignancy appearing in association with long-standing piles or hemorrhoids.


Shirsha Asana( Headstand),
Chakrasana (Wheel Pose),
Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend pose),
Sarvanga Asana(The Shoulder stand),
Tada Asana (The Mountain Pose),
Padahasta Asana(Hand to Foot Pose),
Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation),
Pavanamukta Asana (The Wind Releasing Pose),
Pranayama (Breathing Control).

Ask your doctor or take advice from an experts before starting practice of yoga.


The poultice made of sesame (til) seeds can be applied over bleeding piles.

Triphalachurna: This should be taken regularly to remove the constipation.

Rose petals, 11 in number crushed with 50 ml of water should be taken for 3 days on empty stomach. This is a very good remedy for bleeding piles. Banana fruit should not be taken for 1 year along with this treatment.


Perform the acupressure for hemorrhoids as follows:
(1) Gently press and knead the point between the anus and the tip of the tailbone (Gvl). Press towards to the tailbone until your anus has a sensation of soreness and distention, then slowly release. Repeat for two minutes.
(2) Gently press and knead the point half a finger's-width from the tip of the tailbone on both sides for one minute (BB5).
(3) Gently press and knead the point in the depression underneath the large muscle of the calf, about halfway between the knee crease and the heel for one minute (Bl57).
(4) Using your index and middle fingers gently press and knead the points on inside of the forearm four thumbwidths up from the crease of the wrist for one minute (Er Bai). There are two Er Bai for each arm.

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