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Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Signs and Symptoms of Constipation

The stool is hard and difficult to pass, Headache, languor, depression, coated tongue, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, anemia and eruptions of an urticarial type are some of the symptoms. Sometimes, there is temperature, which rises upto 102. The retention of the stools is followed by alternating diarrhoea, which sometimes leads to wrong diagnosis. Straining to pass stool may cause hemorrhoids and anal fissures. In later stages of constipation, the abdomen may become distended and diffusely tender and crampy, occasionally with enhanced bowel sounds.

Abdominal Massage for Constipation
The purpose of abdominal massage for constipation is to help stimulate peristalsis waves in the colon to start the stagnant fecal matter moving again.

You can do this colon massage with oil lying down

Start on the right side near your appendix. Use small circular or short movements, and move upward toward your rib cage. Apply gentle pressure at first, although you may want to increase your pressure in subsequent days.

When you reach your rib cage, massage diagonally down and to the left until you are just below your belly button.

Now massage diagonally up and to left until you are just below your outer left rib cage.

Massage straight down toward your groin until reach your leg crease.

Take 3-5 minutes to do this massage. As you massage your colon area, notice if you find areas that have a slight pain or tenderness. With areas of slight pain, you can work these areas and probably reduce the pain with daily massages. If you have deep pain, do not continue the massage. Consider consulting with a doctor, if the pain persists.

Do not do this massage without the OK of your doctor if you have undiagnosed abdominal pain or any conditions affecting abdominal organs.

Yogasanas for constipation problems.

Surya Namaskara- The Sun Salutation is a prayer in motion. Surya namaskar consists of a sequence of twelve postures performed continuously and combined with synchronized breathing. Each position counteracts the preceding one producing a balance between flexions and extensions. Surya Namaskar has several benefits. It activates almost all the glands of the endocrinal system. Because of this internal activation, the pancreas, adrenal, thyroid, pituitary and some other glands begin to secrete their respective hormones in normal way. Surya Namaskara corrects disorders of the pancreas, liver and cure constipation, wind troubles, indigestion, acidity, intestinal disorder.

Pavanamukta Asana

Hala Asana

Tada Asana


Relieve Constipation with Acupressure

How Often?

Twice a day until you get relief. For chronic constipation you may have to work on the points for several weeks.

 The acupressure points for constipation is NOT for pregnant women.
Certain acupressure points are not recommended for people with high or low pressure. Professionals should be consulted in these cases. Avoid areas of scar tissue, blisters, boils, rashes, or varicose veins. No acupressure within 20 minutes after exercise, heavy meal and bathe. Not as the only method to combat constipation and not for medical emergencies.


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