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Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Diabetes means high level of blood sugar and it is also characterized by the excretion of the excess glucose through urine. The main cause of diabetes is lack of insulin or absolutely no insulin. Today there are more cases of diabetes and the number of diabetic patients is ever increasing. Even young generation people are found with diabetes. In case you doubt whether you have normal blood sugar level, then you can find it out by doing blood glucose level test. This disease is more common in those who are overweight.

Type-1 diabetes, Type-2 diabetes and Gestational diabetes are the main three types of diabetes. In Type-1 diabetes the body stops producing insulin or produces very less insulin. In Type-2 diabetes the body is unable to use the insulin produced by the pancreas. This kind of diabetes can be easily controlled by diet, exercise and proper weight loss. Gestational diabetes happens to pregnant ladies in the second half of their pregnancy and it automatically gets cured after they deliver their babies.

Causes and symptoms: as usual any chronic disease results due to long standing stress and strain. Besides this, diabetes is primarily caused by overeating and consequent obesity. Grief, worry and anxiety have a deep influence on the metabolism and may cause sugar to appear in the urine.
Diabetes feels hungry and thirsty most of the time, does not put on weight and gets tired easily, both physically and mentally. He looks pale and may suffer from anemia, constipation, intense itching around the genital, palpitations and general weakness. He feels drowsy and has a lower sex than a normal person.

Massage improves insulin absorption, for example, by increasing serum insulin in type 1 diabetes or increasing tissue insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes.

Massage helps normalize blood glucose levels.

Massage provideS relief of symptoms associated with diabetic neuropathy.

It is strongly suggested to take suggestion from doctor before choosing course of massage and should be performed by an expert only.One should not rely on massage only and should never stop medication or insulin, as massage is not substitute of these.

Magnet Therapy:
The north and the south poles of strong magnets should be placed side by side on the middle of the back for 30-45 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day. (Preferably an hour after meals or breakfast)

The right palm (or sole) and the left palm (or sole) should be placed on the south and the north poles respectively, of strong magnets for 15-20 minutes, once or twice a day.

The north pole of a small magnet should be stuck on the leg-four finger breadths below the lower margin of the round knee bone.

Magnetized water should be taken 4 to 5 times a day.

Home remedies for Diabetes:

One of the best home remedies for diabetes is include bitter melon in your diet. For three months eat one dish made from bitter melon. This will help in keeping the blood glucose level in control.

Fenugreek is also very effective in diabetes control. Drink one cup of fenugreek juice every morning. Also eating the seeds of fenugreek will help you in controlling the blood sugar level. This remedy is also very effective in bringing the glucose level down.

Put some black raisins in water and keep it overnight. Next day morning strain this water and drink the clear water solution. Follow the same procedure for few days to get good results.

Eating jamun, tomatoes and oranges are also beneficial in controlling diabetes. Taking these fruits in your diet in a limited quantity say about 300 grams on a daily basis will be very effective.

Take fenugreek, bitter melon and amla all these three things together in equal proportion. Dry them in sun for few days and then grind them into fine powder form. Take this powder three times in a day. This will help you to control the diabetes if you will follow this for about a month and see the difference.

Mix juices of raw mango and Indian plum in equal amount and drink this about three times in a day. This remedy is very useful if you will drink these juices without fail for about one month.

Dry the bay leaves in sun for two days and then grind them into fine powder. Take about five grams of this powder in a warm glass of water and drink this. Do this for about ten days. This will surely help in controlling the glucose level of the blood.

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